Zachary Loeber

I eat complexity and am never without a meal.

Exchange 2010: Even More Migration Tips

It has been a while since I passed on some personal experiences when performing Exchange 2010 migrations. I thought it was about time to update my list to include some more of the lesser known aspects of an Exchange 2010 migration.

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Active Directory: Best Practices Workbook

This is a checklist for technicians performing Active Directory assessments. It is broken down by category and best practice. Some items listed are not really a best practice, but rather something which you may find in an environment which should be rectified (as part of an audit perhaps).

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Create Your Own Network Assessment Appliance

In this write-up I setup several network assessment tools which can be used in the discovery process of a new environment. This can be useful for a newly hired sysadmin or a consultant in rapidly gathering information to assess the health and/or state of a network. Introduction I often find myself assessing a foreign network infrastructure for performance or other issues. Depending on the size of the environment, digesting everything can be daunting without the help of some third party tools. Continue reading
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