Zachary Loeber

I eat complexity and am never without a meal.

Create Your Own Network Assessment Appliance

In this write-up I setup several network assessment tools which can be used in the discovery process of a new environment. This can be useful for a newly hired sysadmin or a consultant in rapidly gathering information to assess the health and/or state of a network. Introduction I often find myself assessing a foreign network infrastructure for performance or other issues. Depending on the size of the environment, digesting everything can be daunting without the help of some third party tools. Continue reading

Sysadmin Task: Migrate DNS

I’ve migrated DNS servers more than a few times and find that I’m doing the same tasks or using the same custom scripts over and over again. Here is my quick and dirty task list with some powershell scripts you too might find of use. As there are a hundred ways to skin this cat I don’t claim my methods to be the best but they sure are fast and far easier than manually changing a dns address on hundreds of servers, workstations, and network devices.

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Virtualization: vCPU Provisioning Best Practices

I had always been of the mindset that when provisioning new VMs it is best to start out with less vCPUs and add more as they are required (unless you specifically know that you will be using and needing more for such things as sql server or exchange). I had even recently felt some vindication of this provisioning best practice in reading a book recently (Critical VMware Mistakes You Should Avoid)

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