Zachary Loeber

I eat complexity and am never without a meal.

Powershell Tip: Convert HTML to PDF

2014-03-07 3 min read Microsoft Powershell Zachary Loeber

There are no native methods to create a pdf file in Powershell. So I looked into outside sources for converting HTML output to PDF. I ended up using a stand alone dll and some .NET calls to achieve my goal.

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Powershell Tip: Save and Load Calculated Property Definitions

Using Export-CliXML and Import-CliXML (as well as some custom code) you can save calculated properties in a file for later use. Although the need for something like this is rather infrequent the exercise can better familiarize you with multiple Powershell techniques and concepts.

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Powershell GUI Script Wrapper Utility

Creating GUIs for your scripts can be a tedious process. That is why I don’t do so for each powershell project I release. Instead of wasting my precious little free time putting together yet another GUI for a one off script I decided to create a tool which will create the GUI scripts for me automatically!

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