Zachary Loeber

I eat complexity and am never without a meal.

OCS 2007 R2: CRL Issue Causing Address Book Download Error

I ran into this issue recently. End users experienced a red splat in communicator exhibiting that there was an issue syncing the corporate address book. I found this excellent article explaining how an invalid Certificate Revocation List error may be causing this issue. My issue was slightly similar in nature but with some caveats.

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Windows: 2003 to 2008 R2 RADIUS Migration

I found myself doing yet another Windows 2003 IAS Radius server migration to 2008 R2 NPS. I found that I had my prior notes and was able to do this quickly but, hell, if I’m looking this up in my own notes I may as well just post this succinct little procedure.

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Active Directory: Role Based Access Modeling

Much of my time is spend delving into the minutia of a particular technology to resolve issues or improve department processes. But sometimes understanding and implementing a technology is not the best “fix” for an issue. Sometimes it is a mindset or a model that needs to change. I came up with this security grouping model to address some of the pains of managing permissions across large groups of systems in our environment. Ok, I modified a long standing Microsoft recommendation of AGDLP (an abbreviation of “account, global, domain local, permission”) to meet our needs. Regardless here is a quick rundown of this security group model I devised if anyone is interested.

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