Zachary Loeber

I eat complexity and am never without a meal.

Exchange: Stop Email Exfiltration

When your users leave or get removed from the organization they may still be getting company confidential information. Here is how you can find out and stop this from happening.

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Powershell: Login As Batch Job Security Rights

Here is a quick bit of PowerShell. It is some snippets of C# code wrapped up with PowerShell which will allow you to assign accounts to the ‘login as batch job’ local security rights of a local machine. The code is no great shakes but it is a good example of how you might take some existing online code and modify to suit your needs in PowerShell. This function also compliments another script I’ve released in the past for automatically scheduling PowerShell scheduled tasks rather well. Continue reading

Powershell: Check For Misplaced Certificates

Here is a script I absentmindedly put together one evening while power watching a TV series on Netflix with the wife. The general idea of this script is to check local machine, trusted root, and intermediate trusted root stores for misplaced or duplicate certificates.

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