Zachary Loeber

I eat complexity and am never without a meal.

Exchange 2010: Automated Firewall Rule Generation 1.4

I made some updates to the automated firewall rule generation script. This includes some updates to the firewall rule spreadsheet to give information on setting setic ports and port ranges for RPC based services. This csv file may be a good general reference even without the script.

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Exchange 2010: Automated Firewall Rule Generation 1.2

I made a few changes to this script to make it more modular and to allow for more exceptions in regards to DAGs and sites. Enjoy! Exchange 2010 Firewall Rule Generation Script

Exchange 2010: Certificate Install Script

Many of the cert providers require that you install both an intermediary and a root trusted cert on the servers which you are configuring your newly requested Unified Communications certificate on. If you are doing an Exchange migration including several ISA/TMG/Exchange (2003 and 2010) servers this can be a tedious process. Here is the quick way to install all three certificates once they are on the server

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