Zachary Loeber

I eat complexity and am never without a meal.

Lync 2010: IP/DNS Workbook

I just ran across a Lync article with all kinds of nice tables which distilled the myriad of DNS/IP addresses in a Lync deployment down to an easy to read format. I happen to have created one of these tables myself for a Lync deployment which included a standard Lync pool, XMPP gateway, Lync Mobility, and a single edge server. I figured others may find some use from it as it auto-populates the dns entries and what they are supposed to point to based on what you fill out for the highlighted cells. Sure you get some of this in the Lync Server 2010 Planning Tool but this offers a slightly different view of the environment as well as a nice one page overview.

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Create Your Own Network Assessment Appliance

In this write-up I setup several network assessment tools which can be used in the discovery process of a new environment. This can be useful for a newly hired sysadmin or a consultant in rapidly gathering information to assess the health and/or state of a network. Introduction I often find myself assessing a foreign network infrastructure for performance or other issues. Depending on the size of the environment, digesting everything can be daunting without the help of some third party tools. Continue reading

Exchange 2010 One-liner: Get All Network Interface Information

Here are a few quick powershell one-liners to get all the network interface information in your exchange environment: If you just want interface information for Exchange 2010 servers:  
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