Zachary Loeber

I eat complexity and am never without a meal.

Exchange 2010: A Few More Migration Tips

Here are a few more notes from the field to consider when you are planning your Exchange 2010 deployment and migration. Some of these items are good to know even after you have completed your migration and may help with overall system stability.

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Exchange 2010: Network Communication Table

I figured I’d post the massive table of firewall rules I compiled for my Exchange 2010 firewall generation script. It has both the source and destination roles for many aspects of an Exchange environment. Where there are ???’s is where I’m simply not certain (mainly around encryption between certain roles). If anyone spots any mistakes or omissions please let me know and I’ll update the accordingly. Exchange 2010 Network Communication Table By Role

Exchange 2010: Automated Firewall Rule Generation 1.4

I made some updates to the automated firewall rule generation script. This includes some updates to the firewall rule spreadsheet to give information on setting setic ports and port ranges for RPC based services. This csv file may be a good general reference even without the script.

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