Zachary Loeber

I eat complexity and am never without a meal.

PowerShell: Easy Module Authoring with ModuleBuild

I’ve previously discussed using the excellent plaster module for creating new modules among other things. Now I’ve integrated plaster into my PSModuleBuild project, turned the whole thing into a module, and changed the name to just ‘ModuleBuild’

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Powershell: Creating Plaster Manifest Files

I’ve kicked the tires on a great PowerShell code scaffolding tool called ‘Plaster’. Here is my take on this nifty module.

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PowerShell: PowerShellGet Helper Functions

With the PowerShell Gallery at your fingertips in PowerShell v5 you are able to find and install modules and scripts quickly. Here are a few helper functions you may want to add to your profile to help automate some of these tasks.

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