Zachary Loeber

I eat complexity and am never without a meal.

PowerShell: ASTExplorer

2015-07-27 2 min read Microsoft Powershell Zachary Loeber

So I’ve been working with PowerShell and abstract syntax trees as of late. Here is a tool I wish I had at my disposal when i started with all this. It takes your script, loads all the AST elements into a treeview, lists properties as each AST element is selected in the treeview, and highlights the portion of the script the element represents.

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Lync Client: Automatic Fortune Cookie Utility

2015-02-08 4 min read Lync Microsoft Powershell Zachary Loeber

Here’s a just for fun powershell script for the Lync user. In the not so old days of Unix administration it was not too uncommon to have a ‘fortune cookie’ display when logging into a system. I’ve always thought that it would be neat to have something similar in the Lync client that would allow for an easy rotation of your personal note field. Little did I realize how easy it would be to add such functionality myself with some powershell and the Lync SDK!

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Powershell: Get-iQuote

2015-02-08 1 min read Microsoft Powershell Zachary Loeber

While scratching an itch I found a cool little site that has a simple to use REST api for returning random quotes from multiple categories. Here is a small function which utilizes this online source to pull quotes from the web!

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