Zachary Loeber

I eat complexity and am never without a meal.

PowerShell: Comment Based Help Generation

2015-10-03 1 min read Powershell Zachary Loeber

Here is a quick couple of functions I put together which will use AST to pull all the functions, their parameters, and associated parameter attributes and create a template comment based help from the results.

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Exchange: Stop Email Exfiltration

When your users leave or get removed from the organization they may still be getting company confidential information. Here is how you can find out and stop this from happening.

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PowerShell: ASTExplorer

2015-07-27 2 min read Microsoft Powershell Zachary Loeber

So I’ve been working with PowerShell and abstract syntax trees as of late. Here is a tool I wish I had at my disposal when i started with all this. It takes your script, loads all the AST elements into a treeview, lists properties as each AST element is selected in the treeview, and highlights the portion of the script the element represents.

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