Zachary Loeber

I eat complexity and am never without a meal.

Powershell: Make Pretty Scripts..With Scripts

2015-10-15 7 min read Microsoft Powershell Zachary Loeber

I released a new module for standardizing and beautifying your PowerShell code. Aside from code indentation it also can reduce line length, replace here-strings, and a whole lot more.

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PowerShell: Comment Based Help Generation

2015-10-03 1 min read Powershell Zachary Loeber

Here is a quick couple of functions I put together which will use AST to pull all the functions, their parameters, and associated parameter attributes and create a template comment based help from the results.

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Powershell: Login As Batch Job Security Rights

Here is a quick bit of PowerShell. It is some snippets of C# code wrapped up with PowerShell which will allow you to assign accounts to the ‘login as batch job’ local security rights of a local machine. The code is no great shakes but it is a good example of how you might take some existing online code and modify to suit your needs in PowerShell. This function also compliments another script I’ve released in the past for automatically scheduling PowerShell scheduled tasks rather well. Continue reading
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