Zachary Loeber

I eat complexity and am never without a meal.

OSS PowerShell: Platform Independent Functions

Just the other day Microsoft released PowerShell as open source with builds available for Windows, Mac OSX, and a few flavors of Linux. I’m pretty certain the entire community is super hyped at the news. I know I am!

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PowerShell: My Profile

I’m always interested to see how other people setup their working environment or get things done. But rarely do I share my own environment. Since I’m putting the effort into pushing my scripting environment publicly to github I may as well explain a bit more about some of what I’ve setup.

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Powershell: Make Pretty Scripts..With Scripts

2015-10-15 7 min read Microsoft Powershell Zachary Loeber

I released a new module for standardizing and beautifying your PowerShell code. Aside from code indentation it also can reduce line length, replace here-strings, and a whole lot more.

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