Zachary Loeber

I eat complexity and am never without a meal.

Use Powershell to Gather Disk/Partition/Mount Point Information

I put together a function for remotely gathering Windows disk information. This was specifically written to accommodate alternate credentials. This script also accounts for the glaring disconnect between win32_Volume and win32_DiskDrive within WMI.


I was looking at powershell functions which gather remote disk information via WMI and was unable to find any which return both information about local disks/partitions and mount points to my satisfaction. So I rolled up my sleeves and hacked away at this script in between taking care of the kids and wife this weekend.

The issues I have with current disk drive powershell scripts on the internet are two-fold. Firstly, none of the functions I found were properly written for utilizing alternate credentials. Secondly, using the Win32_DiskDrive provides excellent details on physical disks and partitions (using associators to Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition and then to Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition). But you need to use Win32_Volume to get anything at all about mount points on a disk. And there is literally no solid correlation between the Win32_Volume and the other classes. So you can use Win32_Volume to get mount point and disk information but it will not have vendor information or other pertinent properties. You can also get up to a certain point with Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition for mount points. Basically you can guess what might be a mount point but there is no way to get the capacity or free space.

To get around these issues I wrote this function to return as much information about disks which can be found without Win32_Volume. I then tack on educated guesses on possible mount points from Win32_Volume as well (by looking for volumes returned without a drive letter assigned). The end result is that you will get more results from running this script than you will have drives on the system if there are mount points! I rectified this with custom properties for each type of result; disk, partition, and mountpoint.

For the mountpoint information returned, I use a regex to include a sortable drive letter property among other things. The end result is more than enough information to filter out your results to get the drive data you are seeking.


Version         :   1.0.0 June 21th 2013

– First release


None but all recommendations and improvements are welcome.


Here is an example of output just run locally against my laptop:


Download the script from the technet gallery (more frequently updated)

Download the script from this site (less frequently updated)