Zachary Loeber

I eat complexity and am never without a meal.

Aws Testing With Localstack on Kubernetes

2020-05-21 3 min read devops aws kubernetes Zachary Loeber

Testing out your AWS DevOps tricks in a local Kubernetes instance with localstack is pretty easy to do.

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Managed Kubernetes Idiosyncracies

2020-02-25 12 min read DevOps Kubernetes Zachary Loeber

Managed Kuberentes services allow you to dive into Kubernetes quickly. But even a managed kubernetes cluster requires more thought and care than one may expect.

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DevOps – Automating Kubernetes Deployments

If you are deploying your own Kubernetes clusters you already know that: But there is hope! There are a few great projects to keep an eye on in this space. I’ve covered some of them in an article you can read on the Lumen. Cheers!