Zachary Loeber

I eat complexity and am never without a meal.

Gather (and Diagram) Installed Roles and Features With Powershell

Use this powershell script to gather installed features and roles from remote systems. This uses two wmi classes in an attempt to gather as much information as possible. Win32_ServerFeature will contain roles and their dependencies on systems running Windows 2008 and above. For these systems we can use this hierarchy to also produce pretty diagrams using graphviz and techniques I’ve exhibited in some of my other scripts (I added this last part in cause it is easy to do, not really certain how useful it is other than maybe exploring the dependencies between windows roles/features).

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Gather Remote Event Logs With Powershell

About Gather the remote event log information for one or more systems using wmi, alternate credentials, and multiple runspaces. Function supports custom timeout parameters in case of wmi problems and returns Event Log information for the specified number of past hours. You can view verbose information on each runspace thread in realtime with the -Verbose option. Version History 1.0.0 – 10/16/2013 Initial release Notes By default 24 hours is what we filter against for the results. Continue reading

Visualize Active Directory Site Connections

In this post I use powershell with graphviz to create an Active Directory diagram of all site connections between servers. Additionally, I’ve included some code which displays site connection options. You may be able to use this to find isolated DCs or just to see a pretty diagram.

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